Major, mais alors, major crush on this shop! 'Woohoo' is all that comes out of my mouth, {well, rather 'oh la la' since this is a French shop}. Based in the Paris suburbs,
Produit Interieur Brut's selection is a mix of true vintage pieces and industrial reeditions {meaning new but vintage inspired pieces}.
Produit Interieur Brut ships worldwide on a per kilo shipping price basis. Go have a look at their entire shop selection
ici. J'aime pas, j'adore!
Title :
Shop Crush : Produit Interieur Brut
Description : Major, mais alors, major crush on this shop! 'Woohoo' is all that comes out of my mouth, {well, rather 'oh la la' since this...
Rating :
4.0 stars based on 100 reviews